
税务bet9平台游戏 for the Education Sector

Our 高等教育 税务bet9平台游戏 Group is nationally recognized for its technical expertise and extensive experience in 税 and business matters that affect academic institutions.  Our professionals are quick to assess the 税 implications associated with your activities and bring practical solutions to your institution.  Our team is well-versed in areas of 税ation specific to colleges and universities, and assists clients with the following 税务bet9平台游戏:

Compliance Matters For The Education Sector

  • Form 990 and 990-T preparation and review
  • Analysis of uncertain income 税 positions
  • 无关业务收入
  • 合资企业 and partnership reporting
  • 支持组织
  • Substantiation of charitable contributions
  • State and local 税 exemption and compliance
  • Charitable solicitation registration
  • 外国投资报告
  • 非居民外国人申报
  • 联邦税务审计
  • FBAR归档分析
  • 国际 税 issues association with study abroad programs
  • Compensation and benefits design review

Governance/policy Tax Matters For The Education Sector

  • Conflict-of-interest policy and management
  • Fringe benefits and compensation matters
  • 教育委员会
  • 中间的制裁

Auxiliary And Investment Activities For The Education Sector

  • 无关业务收入 activities
  • 另类投资合规
  • 合资企业
  • 共享bet9平台游戏协议
  • 以营利为目的的子公司
  • 企业重组
  • 事务分析

State And Local 税务bet9平台游戏 For The Education Sector

施耐德·唐斯有一个专门的 State and Local Tax (SALT) practice, which has been assisting clients with complex 税 issues for more than 50 years. Our SALT professionals remain steadfast in our commitment to consistently monitor, evaluate and update our higher education clients regarding state and local 税 changes and developments. The expertise and dedication of our SALT group allows our clients to optimize their 税 situations and assure compliance with evolving laws and regulations. Our comprehensive array of SALT services include:

  • Sales and use 税 compliance review
  • 销售和使用退税审核
  • Uncertain income 税 position compliance
  • 不动产豁免挑战
  • 法律援助

For a list of the services that Schneider Downs can provide to educational institutions in the 匹兹堡 and 哥伦布 regions, 以及整个美国, please visit our education sector services webpage.

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